Supported Browsers

A list of browsers and a rating of their ability to utilize the web audio api (playing audio in a browser without any use of plug-ins). Not all browsers are currently implementing this new HTML5 technology...

Browser Description Supported Rating

Currently the best available option. Web Audio API support is very good and getting better. The only complaint being, the loading of sound buffers is not as quick as Firefox. True

Other than some small graphical differences, Safari (7.0 and above) is very similar to Chrome and is a great option for Mac users. Client side sound caching is buggy (indexeddb) so all sounds have to be loaded from the server each time. True

Opera has recently been updated to use mp3's and the results are an experience that is very similar to Chrome. The playback is solid and the load times are comparable. True

Firefox has recently began supporting web audio api but audio quality is still buggy (audio artifacts, issues with setTargetAtTime). Audio buffers load much quicker than Chrome. While it is supported, it is not preferred in its present state. True

Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer currently does not support the web audio api. Edge has recently begun to support web audio, but the results are poor. False